
2015, March 3. Things heating up in Lancaster NY

Lancaster NY, Lancaster Redskins, change name, Indian mascots, racist mascots, Native American mascots  city-region/lancaster    3/3/2015

Here are a few quotes from the article: To real the full article, click here

"At best, you're reducing someone's identity to the color of their skin. At worst, it recalls a history where 'redskin' was the scalp of a Native American, hunted for bounty and given as proof of his killing, since it was easier than transporting a body." said * John Kane, 

* John Kane is a local host of the weekly "Let's Talk Native" show on WWKB radio. 

"I have always been a Chiricahua Apache, and the only reason I know that is because that's what my family told me. Your grandmother tells you something, you're going to believe it," said * Mark One Wolf Yancey.

* Mark "One Wolf" Yancy, who's ethnic heritage has been called into question by many anti-Native mascot activists, though Yancey continues to speak out FOR the Native population, and even has established a pro-Native mascot Facebook page, and being one of the leaders for the argument to keep the Native-themed images, names and sports.

While there were, at the time of this posting, no comments made about John Kane, there were three about Yancy.
Mark One Wolf, Native Americans for Redskins, Mark Yazzie, Indian fakes, Indian wannabes, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, Redskin,

Mark One Wolf, Native Americans for Redskins, Mark Yazzie, Indian fakes, Indian wannabes, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, Redskin,

Mark One Wolf, Native Americans for Redskins, Mark Yazzie, Indian fakes, Indian wannabes, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, Redskin,

And this one regarding Apaches.
