
2015, March 3. The Lancaster Redskins of NY petition ended...

and they delivered it to the Lancaster High School District.

The petition to keep the name (actually, it was to "Keep the Redskin Tradition Alive!!") had 2740 supporters, who had an option to make a comment about why they were supporting the cause.

At the same time, vintage images from their yearbooks started popping up on Facebook. I thought it would be interesting to publish those images, alongside some of the comments. (I cut and pasted them in - so all spelling errors are theirs.) 
 This is a proud name as well as a tradition that has been  good for quite a few years.

This whole thing is ridiculous. Its a team name. There us  nothing deragotory about it. Let's worry about more  important issues like % of kids that graduate or how many  kids actually get meals at home!!

It's part of me. Pride, courage and memories.

I graduated in 1975. All the while I was in school I never once felt that our mascot, the Lancaster Redskin was derogatory. What I saw, and still see is a symbol of warriors. The Lancaster Redskins were warriors on the sports fields and if you bow to political BS correctness it will never change my mind. There is too much of that these days and yet those who cry for it still want the privileges of their races or religions.

Signing this because it a symbol that is respected not disgraced. Once a redskin always a redskin.

The mascot is a tradition and a sense of pride. People should be honored, not offended. Once a Redskin, Always a Redskin!

I am a Lancaster Redskin alumni and also a cheerleader who graduated in 1964. We were and still are proud to be called a Redskin!!!! Get a life people and leave well enough alone!!

I'm signing because I am part American Indian and this is about pride and NOT anything else!

This is beyond ridiculous. If everyone overthinks things like this, and puts a negative spin on everything, EVERY name will be offensive to someone.

I also feel the Redskins are a mascot of pride, courage and strength. The Native Americans should be proud that any school or team uses these types of names because of their strong qualities, and not feel offended.
Petition . KEEP the Redskin Traditional

Tradition from a rival

Redskin is a great name and not derogatory.

Pride and tradition

I'm signing because I believe in free speech and I have been a Redskins fan since I was born. Save The Name!

It's an honor to hold a name in high regard.

I've lived in lancaster my whole life and everyone knows us by the redskins. It would be a shame for it to be renamed. Just would not feel right

DHS Class of 1984 ... signing because it's the right thing to do!!!

i am signing because I am Proud of the strength and power the redskin represented as our high school mascot

I am a fan of the Washington Redskins and always will be!

it's ridiculous to change the name. Go Redskins!

I'm signing because I want to keep the name redskins alive

I graduated from Lancaster and became a teacher and no school out there has school spirit like the Redskins! It is the pride of our school district and when they unite they are one strong union!!

Im signing beacues im a Lancaster Graduate of 2009, I think that its not an insult on the indians, we dont make fun of them so they should'nt be mad at us, its a matter of pride and courage and strength.

REDSKINS is said in pride ,pc no gooders need to learn the history before shouting their mouths off

No reason to change it.

It's tradition and we take pride in the name redskin cause our definition is great warrior or great fighter.

I'm signing this because people get offended too easily. If they change the Redskins name, then they will have to change any team named Yankees or Canucks because that's offensive to American and Canadian citizens. And because I'm class of 2008.  

Once a redskin always a redskin,& I love that I am passing the pride down to my children ♡

"Pride, Tradition, and Excellence" will never be the same without the Redskin name. You can't have excellence without pride and tradition.

 im sighning this because I'm a huge fan of the Washington Redskins and even though I don't know this highschool they have the same logo as them and they deserve a fighting chance to keep there logo just aswell

I love the Redskins name. To me, it means "don't mess with us!" Isn't that part of the message a mascot is supposed to send?

Nothing offensive about the name. If u are watching tv, out on public and someone says... Hey look. A couple of Redskins, people expect to see FOOTBALL players, not an Americsn Indian. It's all BS.

This name needs to stay with Lancaster. It is a tradition. If it's not broke don't fix it.

Please don't buckle to this PC BS!! Keep the Redskins name! Keep the honor and tradition alive!


People need to stop being such babies. Politically correct people suck.

It has been the schools mascot for so long, it was never intended to offend anyone and it's not like it's the only school mascot in America that could be offensive if someone chose to twist it that way... not to mention there's a team in the NFL with the same name, will they be changing theirs as well?

The Redskins name is an honorable and proud tradition! It is not a slur and originated from Native Americans themselves. It is not offensive, except to a small few who do not know the history. It brings native pride. Please do not take this away from people. It is respectful.

I feel like it's ruining it's town tradition!!!

 It is preposterous to have a school change the name of the mascot for political reasons. There is nothing wrong with the name! Maybe we should change the name of the White House too!

I'm sick and tired of political correctness being shoved down the throats of everyone.

Its important to the alumni that the place they r from keep the name and share the legacy....

I'm proud to be a Lancaster Redskin!!! This pride was shared with numerous teammates and schoolmates during my high school years, and carries on today. I am, and forever will be, a Lancaster Redskin!

Both of our children attended Lancaster school from elemartary through high school. As a family, we see the mascot as a sign of strength, bravery, perseverance and honor. When we see the mascot, we remember how all of that was taught to us throughout school.

 This is who we are

I am signing because in the house I grew up in being a Lancaster Redskin was a sign of strength, pride and family. My parents are alumni, all 5 of my siblings are alumni or current students, my fiancé is a alumni and I am as well. Once a Redskin, Always a Redskin.

I graduated a redskin in 2009, my sister graduated a redskin in 2010 and my youngest sister graduated a redskin in 2013 as well as ran track as a redskin. Being a redskin is a sign of respect and honor! My mother and grandmother also graduated a redskin! I have pride for the town that I grew
 up in and it would suck if that were to change! Once a redskin, always a redskin!

It means strength! Its a tradition!

People need to stoo trying to obliterate the Native American from the view of the American Public. REDSKIN is a term of respect and reverence which most native americans honor.

 This isn't even politically is someone feeling empowered cause they can...the name represents strength, feel empowered for that reason not cause you can take a long standing tradition away...take pride that Americans see "Indian & Redskins" as strength & honor...there is no offensiveness here so get off the POLITACALLY CORRECT wagon. Go Lancaster Redskins (my alma mater)

once a Redskin, always a redskin! I graduated in 2005, my parents graduated in 1983. Redskin is a mascot of strength- a warrior. It was never anything derogatory. Keep the tradition

The thought of destroying 121 years of tradition for a frivolous and passing idea of political correctness is wrong, plain and simple!

The Redskins are a tradition! Don't give a ratts butt about political correctness!

Society is getting too sensitive. The name "Redskins" has been for years on end without problems.

I don't agree that it's racist. The wrong people are protesting.

Freedom of expression

Because it's wrong to make this school change its name. Especially since I am a life lesson long WASHINGTON REDSKINS Fan

its always been. It's tradition. It never offended anyone in the past...why now?. This world is changing enough you must agree. Why mess with tradition?

This is a tradition in WNY. Lancaster has been considered a top community. I would hate to see the town change the name of something that has been a part of generations, just because of political correctness. Next you will see the choir not being able to sing Christmas carols during the
 holiday concerts...

 #KeeptheName I am signing this because there is nothing derogatory or negative about this. Also, those who do believe this are only doing this to get their name in the lights. Even the politicians who are "standing out" are only doing this for the votes. There are way more bigger issues than a name of sports teams!

I believe in the name an its who i am!

I'm signing because I couldn't imagine the pride and tradition of our town and school without our name being the Lancaster Redskins. This town has gone through so much, and we just keep fighting through it all. If that doesn't go to show that Redskins is a name used as a compliment and with
 pride, I don't know what would. The Redskin name isn't used to offend anyone, but to honor the courage, bravery, and fight that they and we possess. Changing the name would be an awful mistake.

This is proud tradition and is in no way offense to Indians.

Redskin is an honorable name for a highschool mascot, not a racial slur. It is ridiculous to change something because a few uninformed individuals have decided to make it their cause. Educating the public about why it's appropriate will better serve the community, opposed to letting a few unhappy and outspoken people change a tradition that the majority of the community wants to continue. If you spent one homecoming week in Lancaster and saw the pride, you would understand. I've never seen anything like it and the traditions if this school community and the tradition that ties generations of residents together should not be severed.

 I am from Lancaster along with all my friends and relatives. There is nothing shameful or derogatory about the name of this football team. It is an honorable name. America is made of every culture and nationality. We are not Native Americans, Italian Americans or African Americans etc ....
 We are AMERICANS ... It's ridiculous and absurd to suggest that the name is offensive in any way fashion or form. Be proud and stop being afraid that someone will be offended! 

Forcing a team to change its name because a few find it offensive is ridiculous! Stop trying to punish the majority for to save the fillings of the few. Stop the wussification of America!!

my high school was changed from Shawnee Indians to Shawnee Golden Eagles. What the hell is a golden eagle?

I play sports for the redskins and I want to keep the tradition.

I see this name and symbol as one of strength. I am proud to be a Redskin!

 I am signing because even my husband and my brother in law played for lancaster years ago and they always the REDSKINS!!!!! OMG wake up!! We are not offending anyone!!!!!!!

We are proud of the name, not discriminating against it!!!

Stop the nonsense leave the name alone class of 82

I am alumni and proud to be a Redskin. Also have Native American blood in me and don't find the name offensive at all. More empowering than anything

Political Correctness is leftist terrorism.

 Redskin: a mascot of pride, courage, and strength.

I think it's important to keep the tradition of free speech alive in this country. It's in our Bill of Rights. This is not about a team name, it's about thought and language control.

...I firmly believe the TEAM NAME 'Redskins' to be one Tradition, Pride, Courage, and Strength!!!!...Only the totally worthless Politically Correct 'Useful Idiots' who need to whine,moan, groan, and bitch about any issue that happens to be 'TRENDING', and I'm a LIFELONG FAN OF THE

It is a name of pride! You are not mocking anyone!!! My brother-in-law went to Lancaster, my niece, 2 nephews, & my God son will be going in 1 1/2 years.

It is ridiculous to force a team to change its name--especially when they honor that name & cheer for the team !

The name is not racist or offensive

Ever since I was little I couldn't wait to play school sports and wear that Redskins uniform, the same opportunity should stay for everyone in the future. It is a symbol of pride and strength.

This is not disrespectful but pride to all

I am signing because we lost our beloved University of North Dakota nickname and logo the Fighting Sioux which was an 85 year tradition because of the potilical correct NCAA. I hope you will continue to fight.

This name is being ripped to shreds everywhere! It means nothing but pride to me and my family and Redskins friends! We HAVE to fight this tooth and nail!!!

Keeping the name honors Native Americans who were actually the ones to coin the term Redskins in the first place.

Because tradition is tradition. Nobody wants to be proud anymore. Be proud.

It is wrong to mess with traditions that were created to honor, not discriminate like so many p.c. liberals would have us believe.

I'm signing because the enthusiastic, positive manor that our mascot is used is not discriminatory or offensive. Once a redskin, always a redskin

I think that taking away all of these native American nick names is the wrong message to give to our kids, it is a thing of respect, not something to be forgotten about

To keep the Redskin Tradition Alive!

I want to keep the Redskins tradition alive in lancaster

I want to keep the name alive

I'm signing this because I feel that this name is one thing that keeps Lancaster together as one, as a family.

It's an honor to be identified with the first nation people.

 Lancaster wouldn't be the same without being called the Redskins

I believe that that Lancaster has the right to call them selves Redskins and the people trying to chankge it has no right to mess with the Lancaster traditions.

Redskins is a good name and it shows pride

I am signing this because I feel as an 8th grader I have the right to say this, lancaster is known for its redskin pride, I entered my kindergarten year a redskin and plan on leaving my senior year a redskin. I have been on sports teams and we are the Redskins no other name could every change that, once a redskin always a redskin is our moto and if we can't live by that then why did we start with it. I would be extremely devestaded If we lost our name.

I've play football for lancaster and am playing all the way throughout Seinor year and don't want to see the name get changed because of the meaning behind it

I love it
I believe we should keep the redskin name we've had the name for 95 years so why should we switch it now
Because we have to stay to what we believe in "once a redskin always a Redskin"
It is a name of pride and honor to not only sports but the Lancaster community. It is how we are labeled.

I'm a Redskin too from Teton High School! It has meant nothing but pride, honor, and respect to me and many others!

I have been a Redskin's fan since the mid 60's and nothing but the utmost respect for the name,logo,and what it truly represents...Hail!
Tradition matters, don't be blown over by the winds of political correctness. No offense was meant in the naming of a high school mascot. So don't take offense where there isn't any.
I am a student at Lancaster middle school and play football for the Lancaster REDSKINS, and my family has been going to Lancaster school for decades and consider themselves REDSKINS , why fix something that's not broken , why change something that doesn't need to be change 
i am signing because I believe it is a symbol of strength and not slamming the American Indians
I'm signing because I am tired of political correctness and feel like there are many other real problems that should be addressed, not the mascot of a high school team.

I believe the name Redskin give Tribute to all Native Americans that have lived and the ones who have passed.
I play for the varsity football and basketball teams. Walking into the football locker room and walking on the field is an honor and to see the history that is in the Redskin name is incredale. If the name does get change I'm still calling are school and teams. Redskins. "Once a Redskin Always a Redskin"
I'm signing because the only reason anyone is offended by the native originated word "redskin" is because of false information. It never had to do with scalps and it is not racial. It has never been the equivalent of the N word. The word Indian has been far more abused than Redskin. Keep the
 name and stand up for the truth.
We were born redskins and will die as redskins. And nobody will change that
The name that got our records should stay

At Lancaster there is alot of pride behind our name an after 60 years of tradition it just seems so unlogical to change it because it's not mocking it's celebrating the name the tradition an the people
im a past red sink and I this this is silly no harm is ment just respect
I feel like we should keep it. We've had it for a long time now and there just now complaining. They should be proud were honoring there name.

The term redskin was created by Native Americans. I won't let emotional, fact-less alter my understanding of the truth. Keep the name, respect the truth.
the term is used with pride

 Its wrong to ask someone to give up their heritage to suit others !!

I believe its is a honor Not harm and i love the native people

Pride and Freedom

I'm tired of a few people trying to change a name that the vast majority want to keep and are proud of. I am offended that non Native America's want to take more away from Native Americans.

this was and never shall be about racism.... Grow up

 I'm part Cherokee and love the redskins!

The PC idiots haven't done the research and are living in a phony baloney world of made up "I'm offended" nonsense. We shouldn't support shallow emotional thinking. Critical thinking should be supported at all learning institutions.

I am a Lancaster graduate, class of 1988. The name is meant to be honoring of native American bravery. A testiment to their warrior skill.

People need to grow up and stop being offended by everything and start looking at the positive in things!! "REDSKINS" to me is honor, pride and tradition! What a miserable life people must have to always look for the bad in everything even when its not there

I believe the nickname Redskin to be that of strength, courage and braveness and brings nothing but integrity and honor to native Americans.

 I graduated in 1973 -was in marching band, won championships in Springville - I was a Marching Redskin - so proud - worked so hard to win that championship. I represented my school and wore a Redskin uniform with pride - now they want me to be ashamed of what I was? No way - I AM A REDSKIN!!!

 i believe this is the right thing to do it was never meant to be anything but a proud symbol

This has been a standing tradition for years. It shows we hold this mascot proud not to be racist or judgemental but to show school spirit and closeness between our peers. If people can not see it is not meant to be insulting then they should look deep inside themselves to see if they are

 actually being the racist individual.

 my mother, my father, my two uncles, my aunt, many cousins, my aunt's brothers, & more family still to come are going to be going LHS..keep the name! If there was a problem, why wasn't it addressed when they picked the mascot so many years ago? Just leave it alone! need to change name.

 Its tradition without hurtful intent. A mascot of pride, a legacy in which many generations are proud to call their mascot.

 I remember waiting for years to have the honor of purchasing and wearing my high school jacket. The pride of wearing the Lancaster Redskins ran deep and it still does. This is not by any means an insult. It is a sign of respect. Embrace it.

 I am signing because I feel we need to keep the tradition alive. I never once thought of Redskin as an insult. I always thought it as Pride. I moved back to Lancaster so my children could attend & be Redskins because of our loyalty & pride for our school. I have never come across
 any other people that carry their school pride with them many years after graduating. I graduated in 1985 & feel Once a Redskin, ALWAYS a Tedskin

 I'm signing because what I believe in the value of what Redskins stands for.

 I think there are enough problems in this world. This stuff is petty crap

 i was a Redskin I'm still a Redskin and my children are in the district and the tradition needs to remain. If there is anything that I believe in when I hear the word Redskin it's the five P's. Pride being one of them and we are all very proud and mean no offense to anyone with the name Redskins.

I believe the Lancaster Redskin name is meant with only Pride and Respect. And I believe most American Indians see this. The people who do not see this are few.

im signing because I am a 86 alumni and am proud of it. We bestowed nothing but pride admiration strength and greatness being a Lancaster Redskin.

We were raised a redskin and that can't be taken away

I was one of the first males to be the team mascot !! I am also the grandson of a Native American ! I was proud and always will be proud to be a graduate of Lancaster Central High School ! Home of the fighting Redskins !! I as a Native American heritage am not offended by this ! Don't you think we should be talking about how to educate our kids better instead of this nosense !!!

I am signing this because.... I believe Lancaster should keep the Red Skin mascot! Don't back down to the political pressure. Why is it an issue after all these years? Just another thing for the Seneca ' s to complain about...get a clue!


 I'm a Lancaster Redskins and I believe that the name should stay. There is no reason why we should have to change a longstanding tradition of strength, integrity, and bravery.

I believe the name is not offensive. It stands for pride, courage and strength.

Class of 79 and I was and still am proud to have been a part of Lancaster High School Redskins. No reason to change the name as alot of places all over the US have Native American names dedicated to the original residents of this great country. They should be proud that we use references to their proud heritage.

 if you go to lancaster you know how much pride we have in our name. We never make fun of native Americans or the term redskin. We are proud to be called the lancaster Redskins. Once a redskin always a redskin

Keep Redskins name alive. We have never used the name in a way that would be negetive to native americans. We have always used the name with pride to honor native americans