
Belding deciding whether to ditch Redskins mascot

Parents want district to either bring back mascot or choose a new one.. continued here.. 


(From the story)

(A mother (Carmen Barker)  started a petition after a former superintendent called her and asked her sons not wear a T-shirt with the Indian head mascot on them for a tournament, and she wanted to know if the school was still the the Redskins.) 

The superintendent explained the shirts weren’t against any school policy, but they wanted to shy away from the controversial mascot and name that some see as offensive. Her son ended up wearing the shirt anyway. But that didn’t resolve the bigger question.
“When we came back from the competition, I asked the superintendent how we could get this on the agenda,” she said. “I wanted to bring it to our board of education and find out what the reasoning was, and are we the Redskins or not.”

Belding Redskins, Relding High School, Indian mascots, Indian logos, appropriating culture, Native American mascots, change the name,