
2015, March 20 - Another school is changing their name!

Conrad is dropping their Redskins mascot

A group called "Retire the Mascot Committee" met several times to further their agenda of retiring their 80-year-old Redskins mascot and name. "I think it's time for it to change," said Colin Horgan, a junior at the High School. "It personally doesn't offend me, but I understand why it offends other people. I think for a word that is dictionary defined as offensive or a racial slur, I think that it's time to take that out of our vocabulary as a school."

"I really can't find a reason why we should keep it. Tradition is not a good enough argument right now. Our actions, our symbols, our imagery all have to reflect good values." - Viscarra Gikas, math teacher

According to the Committee, 75 high schools continue to use Redskins as their mascot.

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