
2015, February 23 - Delusional in Big Foot, Wi

Wisconsin state Assembly is voting on a bill that would require a school to prove that their name is not offensive to Native Americans, if they use Native-themed logos, names, and imagery. In Wisconsin, around 40 schools have Indian-themed nicknames and some are not likely to change them.

Potawatomi Chief, Big Foot
One school, Big Boot High School, is home of the Big Foot Chiefs. School board head Sue Pruessing says "We sit on the very beginning of Big Foot Prairie, and the school was named in honor of Chief Big Foot. We relate it to being no different than a school being named to honor John F. Kennedy... This was Big Foot's grounds and where his villages were. It's always been done very reverently in honor of him.'

I wonder if she thinks the below yearbook pages also respectfully honors the Chief. 

Big Foot Chiefs