
2015 a Campaign is heavily engaged to keep the mascot names and monikers..

Calling themselves the "keepers" and the anti-mascot activist and supporters the "changers," these groups (with several specific figureheads) launched a campaign to not only confuse the issue, but to also spew hateful, racist propaganda. For example, one of their talking points is that those who are against the mascots HATE Native Americans and their culture. This is one of the worst attacks I've seen within this battle.

mascot debate, Indian mascot, change the mascot, people aren't mascots

Here students defy their school board and continue to engage in hostilities - against changing the name (after it was decided to make the change). Parents encouraged their children to walk out of school, to intimidate school board members, to refuse to attend classes, and to continue this battle - all disrespecting the adults in their communities. For shame.

racism, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, mascots,

racism, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, mascots,

racism, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, mascots,

Propaganda that is spewed from the "Keepers" corner.

racism, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, mascots,

?? quarterly Cultural Guardian Award ??  Can't find another reference to this "award" on-line.

racism, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, mascots, Washington Redskins, mascot lies