
2015, March 2nd & 4th - Lancaster Redskins fly in their supporters

wannabes, Mark One Wolf, Lancaster Redskins, Indian mascots, Native American mascots, change the name, racist mascot,

Joe Milk, Ogala Sioux and gaming inspector at a casino in Martin, S.D., was flown to New York by an anonymous pro-Redskin supporter to help their cause (keeping the name). Joe Milk is a vocal supporter of the Washington Redskins on both Facebook and Twitter, but is not connected to the Lancaster, NY high school. Also flown in at the donors expense was Mark One Wolf Yancy of Connecticut, who is also outspoken on social media outlets, has been filmed for one of Dan Snyder's PR videos, and who, some say, is not actually of Native heritage, and yet speaks for Native people.

Both controversial figures showed their support to the cause and Milk appeared on the local news station.

fake Indians, wannabe Indian, Mark One Wolf, Mark Yancey, Redskins, racist, mascots, Indian mascots, change the name
The two (Milk in the middle, Yancey at the far right) posed for photos with local pro-Redskins supporters.  This photo was posted to Facebook on March 4th.

fake Indian supports Lancaster Redskins to keep racist name. Shame!